Meet Dayren
Dayren was fated to be an entertainer.
Born in Matanzas, Cuba to a professional musician father and an actress mother, she opted for a musical life and chose to study violin at age 8. Her passion for music has taken her on a journey around the world and across musical styles.
“...Ultimately Belleza is Dayren Santamaria’s record, however and it is who it must be said, plays with audacity and spirituality. Her softly singing, sweet and tender playing invokes the beauty of her instrument often in hushed and also in exuberant tones. Her dynamics make for exquisite essences and aura.”
Video captured and edited by Isabel Gonzales @ www.isabelcinema.com
Events by Artisan Events @ www.artisanevents.net
"Princess Yani"
Dayren Santamaria (Montecito Heights, Los Angeles)
Dayren Santamaria - Violin, Analinda Meneses - Video, Spencer Mitchell-Moore - Sound
Dayren Santamaria
Dayren Santamaria - Violin
Puly Gabriel Sequeira -Piano, Bass, Rhythm Section.
“Dayren Santamaria’s violin solo was fluid yet percussive, melodic, and the most amazing example of virtuosity of the entire show. This was truly an inspirational moment that even left the other band member’s jaws dropping. Her violin would weave in and out of the rhythms effortlessly while adding her own layered harmonies without missing a step. From her performance on this composition alone, Santamaria is certainly a brilliant talent to check out, if you haven’t already.”